Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mini Golf, Homesickness, New Car, etc.

Last Sunday was a pretty nice day so Andrea and I went mini golfing with a few of his friends. When we eventually got there (things take a long time to get going when dealing with seven guys), we had a really good time. I lost (of course) terribly, but to my credit I was the only girl. Even though I know I suck in groups of girls as well, but hey at least I have fun doing it! Then we went out to dinner together and then to the Montebelluna movie theater (which is so small and was so empty that we got to have our own private movie veiwing!) It was a really fun day.

However, despite all the fun I have been having lately, I have also been a little sad. I am not really sure why all of this is coming up now but it is just getting really hard to be gone for so long, and I am going through another homesick phase. Also, one of my American friends here is leaving to go home next week and I think that has a lot to do with it because I am finding myself jealous. Don't get me wrong, I am having an awesome time here, but there are just still some sad feelings about home and being so far away. Mostly I miss my family but I also am really missing a lot of the conveniences and things that I am used to about America. It's nothing too big or anything that has gotten in the way of my life here or anything but just a thought and a phase that I hope will be over soon.

But Yvonne is coming and I am really excited to finally have another visitor!! It will be really nice to have her here and she is coming for ten days so there is a lot that we can do together (though we haven't planned anything yet). She is arriving two weeks from tomorrow!! :)

Lastly, on a very good note, Andrea finally got his new car!!!! He ordered it right around the time that I got back from America (beginning of January) and has been put off countless times as to when he would finally get it. It arrived yesterday and it is really cool. It is a dark gray Toyota Auris and it has GPS and everything which is really cool. I just get excited about new things in general and it is making me excited to get my new car this fall. Anyway, he is finally happy that it is here and for that I am happy. Now we can enjoy it together! :) (even though he will do anything to aviod getting it dirty or "hurt" for awhile...haha)

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Damn it, that minigolf match was terrible for me, haha