Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Changing Plans....

Well, on a completely different note, I have mixed emotions in saying that my time here in Italy will be ending a little earlier than expected. I am actually flying home, to America, two weeks from yesterday (Monday, June 2nd).

On one hand I am excited to go home to America. I miss my family a lot and I miss a lot of things about America too, and I do feel like I have lived this experience out to the fullest and am ready to go home. And now I can spend the summer at home with my brothers too, while looking for a nursing job.

On the other hand, I am extremely sad to be leaving. Obviously, there is Andrea, which is the biggest reason. I was going to have to leave him eventually for awhile, but neither one of us was ready for it to come so shortly, and it will absolutley kill me to leave him, and not be able to see him everyday. But hopefully by the time I leave, we will have booked his flight to come visit me in the end of July. And I know that everything will work out. We just have to get through this and handle it a little earlier than expected.

Secondly, it is really hard to leave Chicco. I miss him already and just thinking that I won't be seeing him regularly anymore makes me really sad. I really will miss him.

And now that I have started doing some "last time" doing things, like saying goodbye to my two American friends (one left in the beginning of May and the other one will be on vacation until after I am gone), I have realized that I will miss living here too. It will be sad to leave my year in Italy. My friend made lists right before she left of top tens and I think I will too over the next few days so look for them.

Meanwhile, I have one bag sent home with Yvonne, another one packed to come with Andrea in July, and then one of my two packed already. So everything that is left has to fit in one bag and I think (and hope) that it will be ok without having to spend any more money (after Dublin and everything, I have none).

This weekend Andrea and I are going to Sirmione in Lake Garda for his birthday, and then I have the week to tie up some loose ends before it is all over and I have to say goodbye. It will be very bittersweet because, like I said, I have many mixed emotions about leaving so I'm not really sure what to feel right now.

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