Saturday, November 24, 2007

Birthday!! :)

Wow, what a change of emotions over the past two days! Today is my birthday and this is what it looks like:

(just a little tribute to everyone who sent me stuff :) the first one is all from America and the second one is including the present from my Italian family)

This year is my first Thanksgiving away from home and also my first birthday because my birthday always falls on the Thanksgiving holiday, so I was always home from school. It's a good thing I didn't think about that one before today because I would have been sad. But today there is no way to possibly be sad. It is amazing how nice people are on your birthday!

Let me just start by saying that being in another country is very difficult on relationships. I mean friendships, family relationships, and relationships of all kinds. I think being away during this year is particularly hard because I am in the transition period where we are actually adults now and it is time to see who out of high school and college friends will really keep in touch, because it is difficult. Well add to that the fact that I then move across the world and it is almost impossible. It is just hard to talk to people as often as you would if you were in America. Anyway, my point is that I had thought a lot of my relationships were dwindling because of it. But then my birthday comes and I can't even believe all the stuff I got. So many more cards than I ever could have expected. I am so happy that so many people thought of me!! :)

Anyway, today has been a really good day so far. I went over to Manuela and Luca's this morning for a big breakfast of pancakes and fruit and then I opened my presents. It was very exciting and Chicco helped me:

After that, we went out to do some errands together including buying the ingredients for my ice cream pie, the recipe that my mom so kindly included in her card to me! So tomorrow we will be attempting to make our own version of my birthday ice cream pie!

Tonight, I am going to one, and possibly two parties. The first, and the one that I am not sure about, is a dinner party with some friends (it's not for me but I might just pretend it is if I go). The second is at a disco (club) in the center of town and it is a party for a friend of a friend who just graduated from University. I will tell you more about them tomorrow but it should be a good time.

Ok, time to go try on all my presents and figure out what I'm doing tonight!


Anonymous said...

That is the cutest picture ever....chicco helping you open your presents. So happy you had a good birthday. Can't wait to hear about the parties. We have been so relaxed around here...hanging out during the day, going out to dinner every night....that dad forgot all about his lacrosse team and the first game this am!!! Can you believe it...him forgetting about lacrosse!!! I guess that means we had a good weekend. Decorated the window boxes yesterday with greenery and lights!!! Next weekend the rest. Love you, Mom

stephanie said...

Happy birthday Ryan! I think a birthday in Italy sounds fabulous!

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a great birthday. How was the disco? Looks like you got alot of great stuff. How did the Thanksgiving dinner turn out? Looking forward to hearing all about it. Love you loads, Tori

Anonymous said...

Not sure when you will be leaving Italy for NJ. Sounds like you are definitely having too much fun there! Belated Happy Birthday and yes, I agree with Momma Nestler that Chicco is adorable! Have a safe trip and Merry Christmas!
Love u 2 mucha!
Zia Elisabetta