Wednesday, November 14, 2007


So since my return to America is getting closer (only 40 days now!!) I have been thinking more about the things I really miss from home (aka the things that I will get as much of as possible in the 10 days that I am home):

Here they are:

Starbucks- since I don't really like coffee, I haven't had any at all since I have been here, but in Starbucks I usually don't get coffee anyway. I miss all of the other drinks and the atmosphere. This one came to me when I was watching Grey's Anatomy and saw a Starbucks cup in Meredith's hand. I have never been an addict of Starbuck's but apparently for me it is one of those things that you don't miss until it's gone. (I want some peppermint hot chocolate!)

OPRAH- this one is pretty simple and self explanatory, I just missing having the option of turning her on in the afternoon.

TIVO/Satellite TV- on that same note, I miss the TV that we have at home. We don't have TiVO anymore but I can't even remember the name of what we have now. In Italy, they have Sky which is satellite TV, where you can watch things in English, but I don't have it and it's not the same. I miss DVR!!

TV I understand- still going on that same note, I just miss TV in general. I mean I watch a little bit of it here and it is helping my Italian but while I'm still in the learning stage, it is really hard to focus. It just not as entertaining when you put learning into it. And even Finding Nemo isn't as funny in Italian! :( However, starting tomorrow, every Thursday night I will be watching (old I think) episodes of Grey's Anatomy, which will be awesome. Not even a different language can keep me away from being entertained by Grey's!

Magazines- yeah, I miss my trashy gossip. While I have never been a fan of the really trashy magazines like US and stuff like that, I mostly miss People. I have been reading a ton of books but it's just not the same without a magazine to read once a week. However, I have started reading some Italian magazines (attempting to) so thats entertaining and they have Time magazine in English in the library so I am making that a weekly tradition.

My books- ok, this one is not so bad. I have read at least about 10 books since I have been here and I love reading so it is making me very happy. I have been lucky enough to have my mom send me a bunch of my books, but I just miss my collection. Since I could never really read for leisure in high school or college, over the years I have started a collection of books I want to read. And I have so many that I don't remember half of them. I just wish I had them here.

My movies- same as above. I have a few here that my mom has sent me, but my collection of movies is one of the best things I own. Hopefully by the end of this week, I will have a season of Friends from home though and that will make me very happy! :)

Malls!- yeah they don't so much exist in Italy, at least not that I have found. I mean there is definitely shopping everywhere you go but I miss just being able to go to the mall for the afternoon and walk around or be able to find anything and everything you want or need.

Different kinds of cereal-maybe I am being a little picky because I am very lucky to have even found cereal here at all, as most Italians don't really eat breakfast. Ever since I can remember, I have had cereal for breakfast just about everyday of my life, except the occasional big breakfast from my mom on the weekends. So cereal is a big deal to me. Now, the grocery store below my apartment (which is very convenient) has about 15 or so different kinds of cereal but they are all basically the same thing. So out of those I get the same 2 or 3 kinds every week. I am very excited to go home and go to the store and see that glorious cereal isle. (Which I have always taken for granted) the way, I miss American grocery stores too.

Ok, that's about all for now. If you notice, I have found ways around most of things that I miss but it's still just not the same.


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