Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Finding Myself

So, everytime I would complain to Brett and ask him what I'm doing here (it happened a lot when I was going through my "bad" times), he would always say, "You're there to find yourself"

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately and he is right. That is one of the reasons I am here and I think I will, as I have already discovered a lot.

But, if nothing else I finally have time on my side. I finally have the time to do all the things that I want to do everyday. I pretty much have no one to answer to and, although its the reason I'm here, almost no responsibilities. I only have Federico a few hours everyday.

All my life I have always looked forward to the time that I could wake up, take walks, watch movies, read books, etc, and not feel guilty about relaxing because I have other things to do. So it is really a great thing to finally be able to do that. I am surely enjoying it and I think it will also make me feel that much better about starting my life when I get home because I will have truly had a year off from life. So, basically, I am happy! :)
This is the park where I take my morning (or afternoon on days that I go to the gym) walks:


Anonymous said...

Beautiful park.....not anything like St. Huberts!!!

Brett said...

wait is that really in writing... i'm right? are you really finding yourself?