Monday, October 22, 2007


So I have been neglecting my blog a little, only because there hasn't been much interesting to write about this week. During the week all my days are pretty much the same. However, this week I think I am going to start traveling. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings I go to a class at the gym so I think Tuesdays and Thursdays I will start to explore the area. I have been exploring Montebelluna a little but I could do that more too. The good thing about this town is that it seems to be really close to a lot of other towns by train or bus, and I can walk to the station. So, from now on I will try to go to a new town every week at least.

Here is a picture of a really cool moon I saw one night from my balcony. The picture isn't the greatest quality because it was obviously really far away and my camera sucks at taking pictures in the dark:

This weekend was very relaxed. Friday night, Andrea asked me to go with him to Venice. He had to drive his parents and their friends because they had a dinner to go to and didn't want to have to drive, so they paid him to do it. He asked me to go so he didn't have to be alone the whole time while waiting for them to finish. It was a good time. It was a small adventure. The van was too small so we were all squished which was kinda funny, being smashed in a van with a bunch of Italians (especially on the way back because they were a bunch of drunk Italians). After we dropped them off, Andrea and I went to Jesolo, which is a beach town. It was quiet because there are not many people there in the winter. But we had a really good time. We went to dinner and then walked down to the beach, which was nice because I have missed the beach! Then we went to an American bar called Gasoline. I guess it is a chain in Italy. It's a really cool bar with American decorations inside, and barrels of peanuts for everyone to eat and throw on the floor. It was just a very cool atmosphere, because it was an Italian bar trying to be American so they had every little detail. Here are some pictures:

This is the front of the bar:

This is the only half decent picture I could take inside because it was too dark for my camera (I really need to ask someone what the deal is with it, because I should be able to take pictures at night). I will try to take more pictures next time I go. This is a giant Texas longhorn above the bar (taken just for Brett):

Then Saturday, I didn't really do anything except go to the post office and got a package from my mom! (Finally! She sent it to me in Calabria for my train ride up to Turin, but I'm just glad it didn't get lost). I slept in the afternoon and then called a whole bunch of people from America which was really fun. I enjoyed catching up with everyone. And everyone is so happy to hear from you when you live in Italy, it's kinda fun! Then I babysat at night.

Sunday, I went to a party in Treviso (which I think will be my first travel adventure town this week). The party is called Ombralungo, which translates into long glass of wine, and it is held once a year in Treviso. It is basically an all day drinking party where there are a million drunk people running around. The bars have specials and some have tables outside where they sell glasses of wine, and there is music and food. I think it starts in the morning but we were only there at the very end for an hour or two. But I am glad I got to see it. Then Andrea and I got some dinner at a pub and then we saw Ratatouille (I don't know how to spell it). It was a cute movie and for the most part pretty easy to understand because it was simple language and there were a few scenes with no words at all.

Oh, last week I took Chicco to a music class for babies for the first time. It is every Monday. He hated it. The whole time he couldn't get close enough to me (which was kinda cute actually). He kept saying "braccho (sp?)" which means in your arms, basically hold me. It was a very odd class. I guess just totally different than I was expecting. I was thinking it would be like a gymboree class in America, but it was not. We were in a dance studio and the instructor was this man who told us all not to talk to the kids. We were supposed to let them go free. Then he sang the whole time as we repeated him (it sounded like a chant). Only at the very end did they bring out two intruments and pass them around to the kids, which Chicco liked, but even that was weird. Then at the very end he started to cry. So we are going to try again today and hopefully it will get better and he will like it more this time.

So, I think this blog will be more of a weekly thing now unless something happens to write about, because otherwise there is nothing too exciting.

PS. As of about 10 minutes ago, I finally have hot water and heat in my apartment!! I am so excited because now I don't have to go next door to shower and I don't have to freeze everytime I wash the dishes!! It only took about a month! Ahh, gotta love Italy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The virtual tour of my room and pj's house is currently under construction, i need to use pj's computer to load all the pictures but once i do i will send them to you somehow. It will probably be this weekend cuz thats the only time i will be at his house.